Hey y’all, here’s today’s Twitching Hour! Recorded earlier on our channel, it’s an hour of us discussing, uhm… Well, I guess rather random things, really – from working on the game to tiredness to, of course, Star Trek. Smaller bag of communist Cheetos this time. Enjoy.
Greetings, all! Sorry for posting so late this week, we’ve been busy bees.
We’re pulling hard to get this game done as quickly as possible, ladies and gents, but at the same time we are trying to make sure that it’s an awesome product when it comes out.
Here are a couple of sped-up videos of what we’ve been up to:
Cami paining a backer Case File portrait:..
Myself designing a splash screen:
And a longer dev session with Nicu!
Until next time!
New March Mini-Update!
Hey y’all! Posted a mini-update up on Kickstarter – it’s to do with our newfangled Twitch schedule, Discord, you know, that kinda stuff. Check it out here!
Also, don’t forget there’s a Twitching Hour tonight at 5 PM CET / 6 PM GMT+2, so see you live on Twitch!
Finally, stream schedule is here!
Well, it took a while, but we finally decided on a neat li’l stream schedule, so you can have a very general idea of when we’re live on twitch making zee Gibbous. So!
…on our newly renamed and rebranded Twitch channel, twitch.tv/gibbousgame.
And here’a a graphical representation, too, for some reason:
Jot it down in your calendar, slap a sticky note on your monitor, and we’ll see you on Twitch!
Until then, have another video of Cami painting a backer portrait!
Twitching Hour, 28th of February!
Hey y’all!
In case you missed it earlier, here’s our Twitching Hour, recorded live on our Twitch channel! We shoot the proverbial sh** about Gibbous, what it’s like for Nicu to stream daily, Cami’s backer portraits, David Hasselhoff, Nicu’s sudden infatuation for one of our backers (oh my!) …and we discuss a possible week-end special Chocolate-making and game-playing stream. Whaaat? Stay tuned for more on that!
Twitch channel name change, more dev streams, and twitching hour tonight!
Hey, what’s up everybody, Liviu here bringing you up to date with the latest developments in the Gibbous universe (where universe = an attic in Tirgu Mures, Transylvania, Romania).
In case you missed out on them, Nicu has been streaming every day starting 4 PM. We’ve uploaded his first stream on our youtube channel, but we probably won’t be uploading the rest because they’re kind of spoilery. In case you don’t mind and would still like to see Nicu build the game, tune in every workday from 4 PM and see how it’s made!
Speaking of which, important news: Twitch finally let us change the username for the channel! What was initially my personal twitch channel became the game’s, so we changed it to reflect that: www.twitch.tv/gibbousgame. Unfortunately, Twitch won’t redirect the obsolete one to the new one, so please make sure to update your bookmarks accordingly.
Today’s gonna be a special double header day – Nicu streams development starting 4 PM CET, and then we transition into the Twitching Hour starting 5 PM CET.
And I leave you with a sped-up video of Cami painting two more backer portraits!
See you live.
Friday’s back to back streams
Back to back streams today! Cami from 13:00 CET and Nicu right aftwerwards, as always, on our channel.
In case you missed it, here are Nicu’s streams from yesterday (for some reason Twitch split it in two uneven parts):
Art and Programming Streams Today!
What’s up everybody!
Just announcing today’s Twitch streams, both on our main channel.
Nicu will be doing our first game development and programming stream today, starting with 16:00 CET.
And, before that, starting with 14:00 CET I’ll be continuing my “Background from scratch” stream.
Also, in case you missed it, here’s Cami’s recorder Backer Portraits stream from yesterday:
See you on Twitch!
Discord is not what you think it is. Also, join ours.
First of all, I stopped capitalizing words in my titles. We don’t do that in Romania, I don’t know how that works, I’m accepting my ignorance with serenity. Let’s move on.
Second of all, Cami will be doing an art stream today at 14:OO CET on our regular channel. She’ll be working on portraits for the Case Files, so make sure to tune in for that.
Third of all, do you want to stay up to date with the development of Gibbous in real time? Or you want to just shoot the proverbial shit with us? Well, it’s crazy times we’re living in, friends, because now you can do it via the friendly (yet unintuitively and not so friendly named) Discord app.
To be quite honest with you, I had no idea what Discord was or what it was good for until literally a few hours ago, but from what I can gather it’s like a… sexier Skype? I think. Either way, you can either use it online, as a downloadable app or on your phone and join our server called Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure by clicking this nice permalink:
It’s free, anyone can join. All we ask is that you be nice to everyone else and try not to spam more cat pictures than us developers do, that is considered a faux-pas around here.

It has the added advantage of me instantly letting you know if something major such as a civil war in Transylvania or myself streaming art is going down, so there’s that.
There might be disclaimers about it to add here but, frankly, I’ve only used it for like an hour tops and I could barely figure out enough of it to change my profile pic. The typing and pasting links part is intuitive enough, though.
Doesn’t discord mean people not getting along or something? Is there an extra layer of irony I’m missing? I’m old. See you on Discord, I guess.
Painting A Background From Scratch and Other Stuff
What’s up everybody! It’s Monday, so here I am bringing you up to date with what’s been up in Gibbous land (spoilers: a lot of work!) .
First of all, Friday I did a first-ever stream where I started a background for Gibbous from scratch. I usually start streaming when I’m already in the rendering phase, because usually the sketching, looking up references etc. are not that exciting, but this particular background didn’t really need research so it was a go.
Here’s a very sped up version of that stream for your enjoyment:
…and, if you really want to go in depth and watch the entire 3 hour stream, you can do that over here.
Other than that, I’m still heavy into painting backgrounds. This week-end was the first one I finally took my kick-ass borrowed Cintiq 22HD home, so it was super-productive: took a background from 50% to completion, and another one from about 5% to 30% complete. Good week-end, nice progress!
Cami has since started working on the case file caricatures of the backers, and I’m loving the ideas that people came up with for their dossiers – some of them seriously cracked me up.
And while all this is going on, Nicu is continuing to implement complete rooms into the game, adding custom light and shadows and tweaking them, and we’re putting in the puzzles together. Gibbous is becoming more and more of a real game each and every day, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Well, that’s about it for me. I only slept around 10 hours this week-end, so it’s time for me to go get my 3rd big-ass cup of coffee for the day and return to doing what I love most.
But before I do that, there’s a blog I wanted to mention. If you’re a fan of adventure game art -‘course you are! – you’re probably a fan of the excellent Wadjet Eye Games, makers of the Blackwell Legacy and so on.
Well, Ben 304, their super-talented artist, has a blog of his own where he features and analyzes adventure game art. I think it makes for a fascinating read, be you an artist or a player of these games, and I’m thankful he’s taking the time to research and write it. Don’t miss out on it, it’s great stuff.
See you guys next post!